100% Sustainable Palm Oil
Mondelez source 100% sustainable palm oil. We’ve launched a Palm Oil Action Plan that is committed to helping to eradicate deforestation, and respecting human rights in the palm oil supply chain.

Palm oil is an important ingredient in many of our recipes as it helps make products smooth, soft and stable during cooking. It also acts as a natural preservative and extends the shelf life of products.
While Mondelēz International accounts for only about 0.5% of palm oil consumption globally, we have played – and continue to play – a leadership role in global industry advocacy toward sector transformation.

Why do we need to carefully manage our supply?
In some parts of the world, expansion of oil palm plantations has led to deforestation.
If one of our suppliers fails to meet the terms of our Palm Oil Action Plan, we start by working with them to fix the problem. If there is significant breach of our principles, we exclude suppliers until the breach is put right.
We investigate claims against our suppliers and take action against verified deforestation allegations.